TUMIS means "to fry" till an aroma comes out and SAMBAL TUMIS means ingredients of chili fried with belacan shrimp paste, onions, garlic & tamarind juice.
- Squids
- Dry Chilies (boil & finely blended with tamarind & shrimp paste)
- Onions, garlic (finely blended)
- Tamarind juice
- Water
- Sugar & salt to taste
1. Cut the cleaned squid tube into rings
2. Heat the oil and fry the blended onions and garlic until fragrant
3. Add blended chillies. Stir thoroughly to almost dry
4. Add tamarind juice, water (not too much!), sugar & salt to taste.
Cook until the sambal has thickened and a layer of oil on the surface - This will
ensure the sambal will lasting for 2-3 days :-)
5. Add squids. At this time squid will produce additional gravy into the sambal.
Again cook until it almost dry but don't overcook the squids or it becomes
6. Remove & serve