"DON'T TALK WITH YOUR MOUTH FULL". I don't think many of us can understand this. Perhaps I should say it in a clearer way? "DON'T TALK WHILE YOU'RE EATING". Rite..easy to understand...
I say this a lot to kids especially my nieces and nephews and I've to bite my tounge to keep from saying that to adults! I can't believe how many people do it! Sure we are hurried individuals that try to cram a chat session into lunch hour but come on people close your mouth and swallow before speaking!! Yarckkk! It's disgusting!!! That's a silly thing for an ADULT to do in this world. Yet dare to claim yourself as an educated, well presented, beautiful & gorgeous or even a hygienic person. What a crap...

I don't care if the person is talking or not, CHEW WITH YOUR MOUTH CLOSED! Ueeekkk! and so does burping in public. Were you supposed to be taught about this in your family? Weren't you? Even though you weren't, parents or elder people in your family can't be blamed for though.

As we growing up, mixing with others, reading, watching & learning thru years, can't we pick up something that is good in civic attitude for our own sake and lifetime personality?

I'm pretty sure we can.

Well, If today you realized that you are one of that kind of ADULT, please be sure don't do that to your own kids..poor and pity them of lacking the politeness - practical application of good manners or etiquette :-(