Jun 15, 2010
Ribut taufan melanda? apakah?
Yer. Jangan tak percaya...ini bukan cubaan...betul2 berlaku o.O
Terkejut cik Jah bila tengok hampir sumer pokok2 di jalanan tumbang ditiup angin kuat dalam sekelip mata sahaja @.@. Subhanallah.
8-9yrs tree was uprooted by 10minutes heavy rain & strong winds!Toinkk!
Kejadian berlaku on Sunday evening. The strong winds stormed in for 10 minutes only and yet the damage done....owhh!
Huh! yang ni sikit lagi nak jatuh timpa keta cek, nasib baik...kalo tidak! owhhh! o.O
owh! sorry ekk..gambar ni diambil masa tengah kayuh basikal racing, so sedikit blurrrr gitew...hahaha :D
A lot of big trees were uprooted as a result of this strong winds & heavy downpour and few cars were damaged due to fallen trees :-/
- Pienkcat
- Malaysia
- I don't remember a witch ...but there was a black adorable cat who sat down beside me and told me that "I'm a cat who has strong legs, beautiful heart and the ♥ of thrills, I like to climb things - including hills. I ♥ pink and I ♥ cat and again the black cat told me that I'm a lovely friendly Pienkcat"