Jun 20, 2010
My lovely expensive red dress.
RM890 for a dress???!!! aiyoo!!!
yeaaa....it's pretty expensive huh?!
Guess what? it was a present to me! Wawwie!!!
Errkk! kalo sendiri beli, tak mamfu lar chek nak beli baju mahai~mahai macam nie...lol
Anyway, I ♥ it so much! first because it is a dress. Second because of the red roses print and finally because it is so comfortable to wear.
Thank you...thank you...thank you :)
- Pienkcat
- Malaysia
- I don't remember a witch ...but there was a black adorable cat who sat down beside me and told me that "I'm a cat who has strong legs, beautiful heart and the ♥ of thrills, I like to climb things - including hills. I ♥ pink and I ♥ cat and again the black cat told me that I'm a lovely friendly Pienkcat"