Sep 6, 2008
My fav hairdresser Eilin in action. Knew her 4yrs back. I think I've done a lot of investment @ her saloon :-) hahaha
Couldn't believe I cut my hair. For such a long time, I think almost 4yrs I've been keeping my hair long. Long and long until it's pretty long. Never cut it short except trim it once every 3 months.
I've been thinking about getting a new hair cut. But every time I feel so, I can't do it. Scared to see the result maybe :-) huh!
Then, the day had finally arrived. I had my hair cut to medium length 2 weeks ago! Yeah... not too short but at least something different. But today, I went to see Eilin again for another investment deal...a rebonding. huh! Guess what? Eilin has turned me like this!!! :-O :-) hahahahaa *wink*
- Pienkcat
- Malaysia
- I don't remember a witch ...but there was a black adorable cat who sat down beside me and told me that "I'm a cat who has strong legs, beautiful heart and the ♥ of thrills, I like to climb things - including hills. I ♥ pink and I ♥ cat and again the black cat told me that I'm a lovely friendly Pienkcat"