Sex And The City the movie

Frankly speaking I've never follow SATC drama series only watched it occasionally. But it's already in my MUST WATCHMOVIE this year.

Finally it was released on 24.07.08. So, last Saturday I've got a chance to watch SATC with my buddies. WoW! great romance comedy movie. Ideal for couples, married or about to marry person but definitely not for kids..yeahh u know..the title itself reflects the storyline LoL

But it's still a good movie. Light, simple, happy but with a message..and what I love most about this movie is the clothing line wore by the Carrie, Samantha, Charlotte and Miranda. Totally gorgeous and up to date. The dresses, shoes, handbags..ohhh goshh! Awesome!!!!

Certainly must watch movie of the year.

4.5star from me :-)