DURIAN. Emmm..it can be smelled yards away! What is so great about this king of fruits other than its lovely strong and penetrating odour or frangrant to its lover beside the fantastic taste? I bet almost all Malaysian love this fruit. Myself? Not a fancy fan since childhood.I can't even finish a small portion of durian flesh, but as growing up I started to love durian. Preferably clones durian such as D24..emm yummyy. Personally I don't like 'durian kampung' much maybe because of its strong, thick odour and flavour but durian is still a durian though :-)
Guess how much we bought this durian? RM13 for 1 durian @ night market! But not a regret at all. Look at the flesh. Rich & thick yellow flesh.huh! hallo! can I get another one please :P