Let's bake chocolate lava cake!
There are a few methods to prepare this cake. This recipe calls for stiffy beaten egg whites and it is super soft and super light cake. Kami tambah sedikit tepung [multi purpose/self raising/cake flour] supaya adunan cake gebu sket. Baru sedap bila digegett :) Happy baking!
The Ingredients:
4 ramekins size 4-5 inches diameter. [This measurement makes 4 choc lava cakes]
180g semi sweet or bitter sweet chocolate
113g butter
3 egg yolks
3 egg whites
1.5 tbsp caster sugar
1tbsp caster sugar
1tsp vanilla extract
A pinch of cream of tartar (optional)
5tbsp self raising flour
1) Heat oven at 200C. Grease your ramekins with butter and caster sugar. This will help your choc lava cake slips out from the ramekin nice and smoothly.
2) Melt the chocolate with butter using double boiling method or simply put in microwave for 2 minutes.
3) Leave to cool
4) Beat egg yolks with sugar and vanilla extract at high speed till thick and pale.
5) Combine chocolate and egg mixture. Mix well. Add flour and mix till incorporated.
6) Beat egg whites. Add a pinch of cream of tartar to give more volume to the beaten egg whites.
Half way through at soft peaks form add 1tbsp caster sugar. Continue beating until just under stiff peaks form.
7) Add beaten egg whites into choc mixture. Add 1/2 first. Mix well using spatula.
8) Add the remaining beaten egg whites and mix till well incorporated.
9) Scoop the mixture into ramekins. Bake for 10-15 minutes. This will ensure you will have a runny melting chocolate in the middle of the cake. If you bake for a little longer you will have an incredible moist chocolate cake instead of chocolate lava cake!
10) Take out from the oven and leave to cool for 1 -2 minutes. Serve immediately in the ramekin or run knife around the edge of the cake and invert onto the serving plate. Sprinkle with icing sugar or chocolate powder as you like. Done! Yummy!!
Tips: Always remember that baking time depends on type and size of oven.
Tips 2: You also can keep the remaining of the choc lava mixture. Just wrap with plastic cover and keep it in the fridge. Bake whenever u feel like to have it! :)