I've seriously fallen in love with TRX! Seriously serious...no kidding...♥♥♥!!
So cikjah better make notes that I am now a RPM-er as well as TRX-er and it's official :)
Since I've joined TRX many months ago, I could feel that I have more powerful core muscles now. I could easily do plank, body crunch, pendulum swing, push-ups, pull-ups 12-24 repetitions for 2 to 3 sets. I've improved my body strength, stability, flexibility and joint range-of-motion. ....chewah! bunyi macam riakk lar plak kann....acchoooom! [Alhamdulillah! excuse me...terbersinn plak]
Well, but that is the fact! Cuma kenangan kelas pertama memang tak dapat dilupakan...eeuwww! Sampai demam oratt....hahaaa...Maklumlah urat saraf terkejutt cikjah oii...Selalu otot-otot mengayuh, tiba-tiba otot-otot meregang plak kan....oppocott ko! hahaaa
Sehingga sekarang pun, every time after TRX workout class, I do feel muscle soreness but very mild and lasting for one or maximum two days which is pretty normal as the muscles are working hard to re-build and double its strength.
Tak taw lar nak abaq macam mana but as for an adrenaline junkie like me TRX is tremendeously superb! Disebabkan teruja kerna ada dua chenta hati maka I always do back to back workout...ngeeehhh. 1 hour RPM and right after that continued with 1 hour TRX. Two to three times a week. Not more than that as I need to rest my muscles. Jangan gelojoh cikjah yer...kita bukan badan besi urat dawai...mueeheheee
Memang giless! Rasa nak terchabut kepala lutut bila instructor suruh buat cardio in between TRX routines even though just for 2 minutes. Suruh lari setempat lar, jumping jack lar....adehhh. Tapi alah bisa tegal biasa :) I felt that way certainly because I've worked hard on lower body muscles while cycling approximately 16-20km in RPM class in the first 1 hour.
I can easily burn 800 - 1000kcls within this 2 hours classes. Tapi bukanlah jumlah kalori yang menjadi idaman kami, namun 'kelazatan' meregangkan otot-otot badan adalah segalanya. Badan rasa ringan, kuat dan bertenaga. TRX is absolutely fun to work with! The most exciting TRX routines for me is TRX Burpee and TRX plank
and the most I hate is TRX Y-Deltoid Fly....oucchh! Lenguh ketiakk tawww.