Kacang. Kacang sangat all the yoga asanas. Tengok depa dok pektis kat youtube, tengok gambar kat google - allehhh, right at that moment hati terus terdetik senang piang. Kami pun bleh buat....muahahaa [ I bet many feel the same too....Ahaks!]

Well, silly me! That was what I thought masa mula-mula practising yoga. Budget tererr yang hamatt...hahaa
It turns out not that easy lah. Pengsan terlentangg kalo practising ashtanga yoga. Pheww!

It really needs kekuatan mental dan fizikal. My journey is still a long way to go. But regret not, it's a learning process anyway and I treasure every minute of it. Love it!

Apa yang membakar semangat kami ialah, every first time yoga class with new yoga instructor, I got a positive feedback - 80% cakap I am pretty good. Huwwaa! perasan lar pulakk...hahaaa [sila tutup this blog pegi tengok radio okay....hihii] Good di sini means that they saw me as a newbie but I managed to do all or nearly all the asanas.

Tapi bila chegu cakap macam tu, kami tak tau macam mana nak react or response sebab I never feel myself good enough. Seriously serious, I am a newbie in yoga business. Dah tu plak, start waktu dah buloh. Kalo start waktu rebung, agaknya by now kami dah ada yoga studio kot. Aiceh!

Maybe sebab sifat perfectionist kami tu sedikit sebanyak membantu mendisiplinkan kami in practising yoga. Kami kerja kuat untuk mendalami dan memperbaiki my asanas walopun kadang kala merasa kecewa sebab tak leh buat...huhuuu

Mental note: Kesabaran kena tinggi. Orang pandai tak jadi pandai dalam sekelip mata...heheee

Wheel pose
One legged wheel pose
Eight angle pose


Aiceh! macam spiderman plak dari jauh...dari dekat macam kak gayah tengah qabat pokok pelam jiran...hahahaaa

Jah!, nak cecah garam belacan kar? jom!