Panas! Panass!! dan sangat Panasss!!!
Kipasss please!

Slalu orang cakap "Monday Blues". Sebabnya sumer pakat malas nak datang kerja selepas 2 hari cuti berfoya-foya on weekend. Pada kami Monday tak blues sangat. Kami suka monday sebab monday is my workout day...yeeehaa! [patutkah? hahaaa]. Kalo on monday kami tak dapat workout, rasa sangat tidak selesa dan lemah. Kami mesti dan wajib workout on monday. [this term is not valid jika monday ada dating...hahaaa].

As usual, kami join RPM yang sungguh hebat tahap gaban meletop. Let me remind cikjah one more time what is RPM --- it is a 50 minutes indoor cycling workout where you ride to the rhythm of  7 tracks powerful music + 2 tracks stretching. Take on the terrain with an inspiring instructor who leads the pack through hills, flats, mountain peaks, time trials and interval training. Estimated cycling of 25km - 30km and approximately 500 - 600 kcal burnt.  Sweat? berbaldi-baldi cikjah ooii.

Alkesahnya, ada sorang donkey nie cycling in front me. Every 2 minutes from track 1 until track 7 dia dok check handphone dia! Bayangkan selama 50 minutes he keeps doing the same thing! Annoying, irritating, distracting and assholing. He was so happy browsing his facebook, scrolling up and down, replying comments, texting, chatting and smiling. Cheesin! Tengah standing climb pun dia masih dok reply comment kat facebook!!!! Kalo RPMers sejati, while standing climb tu, nak sedut udara pun sesak taw. Merangkak-rangkakk.

Memang lar ikut suka dia nak buat apa pun, in fact kalo dia nak makan nasi lauk gajah waktu cycling tu pun nobody cares, tapi hang agak-agak lar. Jangan lar jadi sangat super mengongg. Distracting others!!!!!!!!!!!!

Kalo really ang sibuk sangat dengan facebook ang, tak payah lar masuk RPM. ang duduk jar kat lounge, minum kopi 80 cawan sampai muntah. Everybody is happy! makcik cleaner jar unhappy, sebab kena cuci sisa bakkutteh ang...Uwek!

Seriously kami memang tak kesah kalo dia cycling tak semenggah,  tak bersungguh-sungguh dan tak feluh-feluh which he really did dan tak kesahlar apa jua his situation or health condition but please think about others. Please be more sensitive and learn to think and respect others. We were here to cycle not facebooking or chatting. We are RPMers. Please learn how to respect others. Jangan jadi manusia sellfish! Buta hati buta akal dan buta budibahasa.
If he puts his effort to come and workout at gym, so do I. I've put 10 times better than him but I still think about others. I still respect others.

Kami memang tak tahan. Kalo 10-15 minit boleh lar tahan, tapi kalo dah 50 minit? Bakar kek pun dah masak taw. Kami bagi isyarat complaint to the instructor [sebab nak cakap memang konpom tak leh dengar. Music too loud] that the donkey was disturbing and distracting others and obviously myself and guess what the respond from the instructor?
The instructor just smile and geleng angguk bahasa badan "alar, takpalah. biar pi lah kat dia".
Adehhhh...........kesian. The instructor is a leader in a class. You lead 37 others cyclists in the class and not the only donkey! I appreciate a wise action from the instructor really. I spent my 1 hour precious time to enjoy my workout, to workout properly, efficiently and dedicatedly to the max. I was here for a reason. Not for facebooking. I can facebooking while shitting if I want too.

Akhirnya, we came to the final track.  Done my monday RPM. Yeyy!! Tercungap-cungap kami gasping for some air. Sudah lar panass terbakar. Skali lagi kami tengok the donkey grabbing his phone and replying comment on his facebook....again.  Nak update dia dah abes RPM kot. Awat? dia ingat dia justin biebier kar nak update every single things on facebook?  Bluek! A guy next to me also expressed his dissatisfying. Telling me that the guy should be banned from joining monday RPM workout and I couldn't agree more. I've complained but hampehh... maka, kami decided. That was it!

From my bike kami libass towel to him. Three times to get his attention sebab dia pulun dok focus texting on the phone. He turned and looked at me and I said [fiercely] "keep away your phone. You distracting others!" [siap dengan jegeii mata, kerut muka, kening terhangkat dan mulut sengett].
The donkey terkedu, speechless, blurred, turned back to the front and keep his phone away....and I walked out from the class without stretching hoping not to see any donkey dorking around the gym anymore. Panass!!!

I need ice screammmmmm!!!!