I don't bother much about fashion and totally not a brand conscious person. I dress for looks & comfort :) Kadang~kadang tak selesa tapi cantik pun chek pakai jugak...heheheeee sebab cantikk! :))
Mahal atau murah tak kesah sangat. Yang penting cantik! heheheee
Cantik di mata chek lar, kalo cik jah tengok tak cantik, itu silap mata memandang lar...chek tak koser melayan taw...ahaks!

But I do have  favourite clothes. First sebab cantik dan it pretty much suits me [I guess]. Almaklumlah berangan dok di Hengland dan empunya garden seindah english countryside...awww! lol

My all time favourite is Somerset Bay. I do like Cape Cod too, but Cape Cod clothing range is slightly straight foward, basic, simple, pastel/basic colours and of course the white and navy blue  stripes :)
I   island beach so much so Cape Cod is totally ideal for me. Tring! and I like Island Shop too! [amboi like banyak sangat aihhh!] hahahaaaa...now do u get what I mean? Anything pretty I just can't resist to like it! lol
dasar mata rambang! O.O hahahaaaa

Well, back to my sweet and lovely Somerset Bay.
My collection tak lah banyak sangat. Sebab most of  Somerset clothes seksi sket...awww! Paling chek sukak is the dress. But most of the dresses designed with spaghetti straps & topless. Macam mana nak pakei? ahaks!

So, kena pilih~pilih yang sesuai lar kan. Ukur baju di badan sendiri...lol 
Kalo ukur ikut badan Sarah Shahi, sumer chek hangkut.....hahahaaaa
Lagipun, kalo sumer dress pakai ngan cardigan, tak best aaa...the original looks tu dah hilang separuh...lol

Ada cerita di sebalik blouse yang santek ini . Chek berkenan giles dengan design tangan kembang ala-ala Muskeeters tu.   4 kali masuk kedai dalam tempoh yang berlainan,  4 kali jugaklah chek dok pegang baju nie.  Tapi tak jugak beli sebab mahai....huhuhuuu
RM229 untuk satu blouse....aiyohhh! Chek cuba melawan godaan sebenarnya sebanyak 4 kali !
Tapi kali ke 5 chek tewas !  Melangkah masuk ada terpampang diskon 30% untuk blouse idaman chek itu...Owh !!! [ see? ada hikmah bersabar sebanyak 4 kali ]  Terus beli lar.  Bila kat kaunter , chek saja gatai mulut tanya adik cashier  " nie diskon 30% jer kerrr? "
Adik cashier : " kalo akak nak, saya boleh bagi staff rate saya. Dapat diskon 40% tapi akak kena bayar cash lar "

Apa??? ok! set ! 40% okay....lalalalalaaaaaa

The beautiful lacey dress kat atas tu cantik sangat !  New arrival [Nov 2010].  When I purchased this piece, only size 5 available [ consider pretty small. Nearly size 3 in actual because the material is strechable lace. Body fit dress.  So,  cikjah  boleh agak lar kan kalo demok pakai nie nampak mcm pulut dalam ketupat...hahahaaa ]

Walopun chek kuyuss [ awww! ], chek tetap malu nak pakai tau kalo ketat~metat nie. Rasa sumer mata memandang jer kalo chek pakai :P

Tapi hati tak tahan sebab lawo! Chek beli jugak ! Kalo tak tidoq malam mesti termimpi~mimpi. Saiz 5 pun tak kesah lar, janji beli...lol

Sudahnya, I never wear it nearly 6months eversince I bought it! o.O bukan sebab tak celuih, cuma takdak acara sesuwei untuk diperagakan...ahaks! and finally I wore it on my birthday. Tambah pulak sekarang lagi kuyuss.... huahuahuaaa [ nah! Dushhh! skali sebab prasan sangat. amik ko! lol ]

This is my most favourite long skirt. 2009 summer season collection. Tapi leceh sket kalo nak bawa travel sebab tebal. One piece of this skirt dah separuh luggage :) It comes with hanging pockets on left and right but I removed them out and it looks better :)

Sekian citer my baju lawo~~~ Somerset Bay :) Share~share dengan cikjah okay. Jangan pulak cikjah berburuk sangka dekat chek konon nak tunjuk baju mahai ker, baju seksi ker kat sini. No!  no!  no!  Tak baik berburuk sangka cikjah...awww! Actually, kalo hati suci, indah budi bahasa baik budi pekerti pakai baju apa pun sumer lawa!  Mahal murah bukan ukuran. Jangan tak pakai baju sudah :) heheheeee