Cek ada tips ;) nak share with those yang interested...kalo yg dah taw tu baguslah..keep up the good work! aceh :P
Selalu kalau ke pasar raya best kan? amik jer vegetables sesuka hati. Grab here and there. Bila dah sampai rumah, nak menyimpannya...ya bagai! pulun dok sumbat fridge yang kecik itu..Pastu, 2-3 hari sayur dah mula layu...huhuhu
Kata nak masak (konon) tapi tak jugak masak2...sibuk lar pulak kan? hehehe
Well, worries no more! Instead of kaedah penyimpanan guna plastik kedai or ada yg balut newspaper lembab lar and etc cuba try pakai storage plastic. SANGAT bagussss! it works 120% for me :)

For example, my brocoli can lasting for almost 3 weeks tanpa sebarang tanda2 kuning atau layu...fresh and tetap hijau! and some other green leafy vege can lasting for 4 weeks!huh!amazing!

Kat mana nak beli storage palstic ni? Aha! kat hypermarket ada, tapi from my opinion, Ikea punya lebih murah. Tak hingat how much but better & cheaper. Pastu ada 2 sizes in 1 box. Pretty convinient :) and washable. U can keep using it over and over again. Not only for vege storage, bulih jugak buat plastic kalo nak marinade chicken/beef or anything.
Mudah kan? cubalah.... :)