Ini bukan menu restaurant ciner..tapi anda masih lagi membelek blog saya yang sedap ini...huhuuu :D
Sekali lagi...Aummmm! (tiger menguap)...roh rajin sudah datang. Tetiba sajer tekak ini teringin sangat nak makan chinese food. Sepantas kilat idea datang, buzz here buzz there, less than an hour...tara!...

Steamed prawn with ginger & galangal...superlicious...bak kata penkritik makanan terkenal
tanahair "slurpp kuah rasa macam ketam, bila makan rasa macam udang..sedap!!"
How to cook: Plating the prawn, add salt, pepper, thinly sliced ginger, galangal & red chilies. Sprinkle some chopped spring onion & steam for 15-20 minutes.
Mix vegetables in oyster sauce. I like this dish! damn pretty :) (suker hati ngan)

How to cook: Steam all the vegetables for 8minutes and put aside.
In separate wok, heat the oil and stir fried chopped garlic & onion until fragrant & brown.
Add oyster sauce, light soy sauce & sweet soy sauce and mix well. Add salt & pinch of sugar to taste. Finally mix 1tsp corn starch with water and add into the sauce. Once the sauce has thicken, pour onto the the vegetables. Gorgeous!

Sweet & sour chicken fillet

How to cook:

Mix chicken pieces well with corn starch, wheat flour, salt & pepper. Fried until golden brown and put aside.

Mix chicken pieces well with corn starch, wheat flour, salt & pepper. Fried until golden brown and put aside.
In separate wok, heat the oil and stir fried garlic & onion until golden brown. Add chilies sauce & tomato sauce. Add salt & sugar to taste and some water. Simmer under slow heat and add all the vegetables. Cook for 3minutes and add chicken. Simmer for 5 minutes and it's ready!

and finally my new recipe the Scallion Fried Rice