Look at that! The climbing fig nearly covers up my stone wall. They look so amazing! I just can't wait for them to cover the wall completely. It takes years okay :D

and this week I have this beautiful miniature roses blooming happily in my garden. I guess I will enjoy the beauty around for another 2 more weeks.

Looking at them, I feel so guilty because frankly speaking I have no patience to grow roses in my garden as roses require a lot of attention and care. I don't think I have that forbearance yet even though I always dream to have a garden full of blooming roses...ahaks!  Seriously, I never fertilize this roses since I bought them home. I just scared that I may over fertilized. But the roses keep blooming again and again!  I am Happy! Weeeeee ^____^  

Dear Roses,

I promise to learn how to grow  you one day! 



The frangipani is back! They just bloomed a week ago. Owhh my! they are so beautiful.

They look like a white scented hanging ball

We call this Bunga Cina. They bloom every single day. So white and pure!

By the way, I'm thinking to add newbies in my garden but I just don't have time to do the 'shopping' and probably it is not  a good time to buy plant prior to chinese new year as the price is slightly expensive unless I want to buy lime trees....heheee