Yeahhh!!! cek hebat! cek memang hebat! :) ngehh..ngehhh...and I'm totally proud of myself...whohooooo
Tak salah memuji diri sendiri. Kenapa? ada yang membaca kenyataan benar di atas merasa sangat iri hati ker? atau sangat menchi? hahahah...suker hati lah tuan/puan, cek tak kesah pung ~~.~~ sebab cek memang hebat :)
Cek hebat sebab berjaya mengharungi satu penderaan fizikal dan
I survived in 1.5hours, 16 song tracks nonstop in RPM Special Le Tour De France yesterday! WeeEeeeeee ~~~~.^
Hiappp! tengok challenge hour kat atas tu jangan plak dok buat ketupat kat belakang taw...dapat doser kering plak tuan/puan nanti...ahaks! kiter 'off' tak per lah :P ehemm..ehemmm
Pada mulanya, memang rasa tak nak joint, sebab this is challenge class and I've never joint any challenge class before lol tambahan plak the instructors are not my favourite (normally monday is a class conducted by the fav instructor yg kaki buli kitaoawng tuh..heheeee) tapi setelah mesyuarat diadakan, akhirnya cek decide tu joint, mau get rid the laksa 20kg + lemon pie 6kg dalam perut...hahahaha
Ternyata sangat hebat & menyegarkan. Tak rasa fenat pun and totally enjoyed. Yeahh! cuma satu yang cek tak suker! tak suker! and tak suker! Nyonya yang Q kat depan cek masa nak register bike tu telah 'mencuri' my fav regular bike. Ciss! memang 'jahat' nyonya tu. Pada hal dia pun regular juga and as a regular, most of all have our own fav bike. Tapi kenapa dia nak 'curik' my bike??? Disebabkan dia, abih sumer regular RPMers hilang their regular bikes. Kasi orang susah saja dia nih! gilos! Pada mulanya muka cek ni kecut asam ler jugak sebab this is 1.5hrs challenge class and I'm riding totally a new strange bike. Will I comfortable with it? huh!! Dammit nyonya keti busyuk tu..I hate her o.O
Tapi bila dah sampai track 5 onwards, my mood changed and started to enjoy the class but still the bike wasn't a good bike. I miss my fav bike :( lol
Actually, it supposed to be 15 song tracks sajer. Tapi when the final song over(meaning the class has come to the end) we all sorak keriangan gilos vavi!!! 'cikgu' pun mula lar miang keladi bagi we all 1 additional bonus track! Track 7 for another round! Aiiyakkk!!!
Potong stim betul 'cikgu' ni..cek punya adrenaline dah tahap maximum and my happy mood was totally at klimaks sebab so proud that I managed to finished the task beautifully...tapi tetiba..jeng!jeng!jeng! another mountain climb song about 7 more minutes...OMG!!! that was not a wise choice 'cikgu'. You has kill my 'semangat' already ~.~
Well, walau ranjau penuh berduri, yang penting I had fun! and enjoyed my RPM challenge class..yeyyyy!!perhaps 2hours challenge next week? errrkkk....... O.O