Mar 23, 2009
Fuyoo!! slurp..slurrpp (kalo pose jangan tengok k ^-^*)
As usual, weekend cook - huh! makan ajer kerjanyer tau! masak makan, makan masak :-)
Actually, dah lama tingin nak makan fish head curry. Dok survey quite number of restaurants tapi tak pi pung...cibokk sana cibokk sini..Last2, masak sendiri...lagi best :-)
Sidap dah tentu...hikhikkhikk
The Ingredients:
Kebetulan pegi pasar ada jual Red Snapper. Fresh2 gitu..tak tahan melihat maka otak pun mula membayangkan resepi untuk hari ini :-)
Dah siap! Tak payah masak side dishes lain. Concentrate kat kari ajer..cukup kalo ada 1 vege + ulam timun + sambal belacan. ARghhhhhHHh!
- Pienkcat
- Malaysia
- I don't remember a witch ...but there was a black adorable cat who sat down beside me and told me that "I'm a cat who has strong legs, beautiful heart and the ♥ of thrills, I like to climb things - including hills. I ♥ pink and I ♥ cat and again the black cat told me that I'm a lovely friendly Pienkcat"