What is TRX® Suspension® Training ?

TRX is a short form of  Total Resistance eXercise.
Born in the U.S. Navy SEALS and developed by Fitness Anywhere®, Suspension Training® is a revolutionary method of leveraged bodyweight exercise. Easily set up the portable TRX® Suspension Trainer™ and you’re in control. Safely perform hundreds of exercises that build power, strength, flexibility, balance, mobility, and prevent injuries, all at the intensity you choose ---trxtraining.com
Suspension Training is a type of bodyweight exercise in which a variety of multi-planar , compound exercise movements can be performed.  These are done with the aim of developing strength , balance , flexibility and joint stability simultaneously.  Suspension Training can be considered a type of resistance training - wikipedia


My latest favourite workout.  Super amazing and it is an awesome full body workout.  It rocks all my core. My first class experience was I can't even wash my face because I can't lift up my arms ! ouchh ! the muscle soreness crept in and stayed for days !  I literally couldn't  move.  Ahaks ! Serious and no kidding.   

But ,  the workout result  is aiyayaaa super cool and very impresive.  Well ,  no pain no gain right ?
Please do remember that muscle soreness is a sure sign that you trained properly and muscle growth is right around the corner.
Obviously TRX is something totally different if compare to RPM.  No matter what happen I am not gonna leave behind my ultimate crazy RPM cycling class.  No way I'm going to do that.  RPM is vigorously energetic and  high-powered.  I love the loud powerful music that keep my feet spin and spinn and spinnn ! and not to forget  I have to say that my cute-handsome instructor do contributes 18% as a motivation to keep me kicking for the next 50 minutes at least twice a week...hahahaaaa

Okay back to TRX.  Even though as of to date I only joint several TRX classes and it is absolutely a long way to go in order to "teach" my core muscles to stay strong and able to  support my weight especially while doing plank and crunch ,  suspended pike and pendulum swing.  OMG !  but I keep saying  to myself that I can do this ! owhh! yeahhh

Basically  TRX focuses on
→ Upper body exercises
→ Lower body exercise
→ Abs exercises

One of upper body exercises.
Cer cik jah tengok this position.......
Tak ker meroyan.   Tengok macam sangat senang kan......tapi....erkkk

This is called pushup and superman.
Tapi kalo kami yang buat mesti lar supergirl ^___^

Here it goes a few techniques of lower body exercises

Sprinters start

Glute Bridge

Kalo cikjah come with 'heavy' ass kena berlatih banyak kali buat nie.  Tapi awas !  jangan sampai terkentutt

I love this lie on back position sebab sambil-sambil tu boleh rest skejap....hahahaaaa

The most hurt and difficult is abs exercises

Pendulum crunch

Huwaarrghhh !  Plank and cruch.
Well....what say you ?

Satu lagi kelebihan TRX ini ialah you can do your workout either indoor or outdoor.  Kalo kat rumah boleh sangkut kat pintu ,  kalo at the park boleh sangkut kat pokok ,  kat tiang lampu and etc.  Yang penting pastikan tempat sangkutan tu kuat ,  stable dan selamat.  TRX strap is now available in Malaysia for purchase. The first introduction price was RM1,000 but now has slightly decreased to  estimated around RM800-600.  Tapi jangan pulak cikjah pandai-pandai guna book strap to do this exercise.  Memang lar murah tapi bahaya dan tak kena gaya !
Book strap used to wrap around your exercise books saja