sebab dah terlalu lama having the same hair suddenly feel like wanted to have a BIG change! aaawwww! ♫♫♫♫
.....tapi.....potongan yang bagaimana? arrrggghhhhh! ~~~~~~
I do have my fav saloon which i always go there since 8 years ago. Dah melambak dah dok bagi duit kat sana, tp dah lama2 nih, rasa nak tukar hairdresser lar pulak so that perhaps i could get the different touch & style...ewahhhh!
Sebab nak sangat perubahan, i've been to this lousy saloon 2 weeks ago. I've cut my hair shorter and yet feel not happy with it :( Nothing much changed, still look the same tho...uhukkhukk....
Then, pada suatu ketika, while i was switching the tv channels back and forth, suddenly I stop at 8tv...hmmmm...apakah?I rarely watch local channels since i subscribed astro many years ago :P Kena plak time tuh ada live haircut airing thru 8tv quickie slot and it was 'him' doing the haircutting...omg! it was the sign..yeaahhh!
The very next day, I've browsed & called the saloon and manage to book an appointment but not on that day on weekend instead (lagi 5hari)...huhuhuuuu sebab appoinment for that awesome hairdresser sudah penuh leiiiii ~.~ sometimes people have to wait for 3 weeks to get 'him'...uurmmmmm...pemes bagai...tapi memang pemes pung :)
Maka, di hujung minggu itu, berlakulah pengalaman hebat to me & my buddy kak tah ;)
My appoinment was at 1pm, sampai jer sana Dwen (senior hairstylist) dah tunggu...
First impression, the saloon is very nice, spacious & comfy. Wait till u meet the hairstylists~~~~so friendly and really helpful! ;) ♥♥♥
My consultation with Dwen was almost 1/2 hour! omg! ye lar...this time i wanted it for real. I really need a change. Actually my appoinment was with Faris, but he wasn't there so, I discuss dulu dengan Dwen :)
After Faris masuk, another 1/2 hour i spent with him to discuss what kind of hairstyle suit me...oh no! :) then he started cutting my hair.....sayang sehh... I really ♥ my long hair :) but in order to get the changes, i need to sacrifice -__-
....and the result turn out so MARVELLOUS!!! whoooohooooo
I like it, i ♥ it! yeeeyyyyy!
Tara!! presenting Bambang Soteto the pemes hairdresser cum the owner of Hairkunst :)
Masa ni, Bambang tengah kerjakan permintaan k.tah yang mahukan rambut bob ala2 Victoria Beckham :) aceh!
Masa i tengah tonton 8tv tu kan, ada lar Bambang ni citer2 skit pasal pengalaman dia. Dulu his parents sent him to German to study engineering, turned out senyap2 dia pegi jadi hairdresser kat sana, pastu mengembangkan sayapnya ke London...bla...bla...
Then in person masa I jumpa Bambang kat saloon, I did ask him about the story and dia pun citer benda yang sama, mulanya dulu tu dia rasa guilty jugak tapi sekarang alhamdulillah...sampailah ke hari ini dia sangat berjaya dan recently he has been choosen as Schwarzkopf Regional Trend Trainer for Asian Region.
Hemmmm...pemes kan? see..i told you ^_@
Sekarang ni pun mak dia selalu datang buat rambut free :) macam2 pesen sampai Bambang told me sekarang rambut mak dia dah nak seakan-akan biru dah...heheee...
tapi kalaulah i mak Bambang, i pun suker! best woo dapat cuba macam2 style rambut..apatah lagi percuma..ahaks!
Kalo nak datang sini pun must by appointment. Takder walk-in yer cik Jah, please call, sms or online book dulu wokeh :)
I didn't manage to get appoinment with Bambang sebab masa booked the appoinment, i actually didn't really know what i wanted to do with my hair▬clueless gitew..ahaks! so k.tah memang dak confirmed gaban apa nak buat dengan rambut dia, so she booked Dwen (Bambang's brother) for hair treatment and haircut with Bambang :)
Next week I'm meeting Bambang again...yeyyyy! nak buat touch up best punyer..heheheeee..before that i need to touch up my account balance dulu...muahahaaaa :D