It's weekend again. Yeyyy! It feels heaven spending time at home doing my favourite things beside the compulsory house chores [aceh!].
While my reliable washing machine doing piles of laundry at the back, I'm doing the gardening at the front. Yeaa..not much things to do though but just taking the advantage of the raining season [plants grow beautifully in this season] some prunning work to retain the attractive appearance, deadheading - cutting dead or faded flowers/leaf and cutting back the branches/stems to encourage healthy new growth by removing the old, weak parts of the plant...Pheewww ~.O
I plucked some of these yummy greeny ulam [salad] from my backyard garden. Enough to cover my veggies need for lunch later :)
and what a surprise seeing my pink hibiscus blooming like an angel in the garden ^____^
my creeper Ficus Pumila/duit-duit is crawling & climbing slowly on the wall [berjanggut nak tunggu nie fenuh kat wall..haishhh]
Well, gardening is fun! It helps me release the tension [I do feel tension? huh! I don't know, maybe I got this at work..hahaaaa], it gives me some sweat but most of the time a lot of sweat! and it makes me merely happy & content with joy everytime I see fresh healthy green leafy and new flowers bloom in the garden :)
...and it doesn't cost me much, just a bowl of love and a plate of care and a glass of water of course! lol
Happy gardening everyone! :)