Too much work at office recently. I know...I'm not supposed to complaint about it. It's my job anyway...I know x__x [ thank you and i said this with smiley face ok :) ]
Komplenlah selori pun tetap tak berubah, still cek jugak nak kena hadap sendiri...huhuuuu
Melalak, meraung, teriak guling-guling pun tatap cek jugak nak kena abiskan ontime. Sesungguhnya kerja itu pun adalah suatu ibadah, dan cek cuba sedaya upaya dengan seikhlas hati menghadap & menghabesskannya..insyaallah! [think positive]
Well, bukannya cek tak mampu buat, cuma too much stress and pushes from other side. Tight up with limited times & too many parties invloved and too many promises flying around.
Pagi-pagi datang office, baru jer melabuhkan 'punggong' yang kiut tu, tetiba 'kringGG! kringgGG!' tepon untuk cek. Tak dan nak tarik nafas. Dah tanya itu ini, minta begini, minta begitu...haihhh!! Terus potong steam semangat kerja cek. Tapi yer lah, cek kena banyak bersabar dan pujuk hati cek nie untuk stay cool and gojes [aceh!]. Dah almost 2 weeks. Hari-hari asik tengok nombot jer...mata yang juling bertambah juling @__@ Balik rumah tak larat dah aihh dok sapu anti wrinkle cream. Doa sangat this nightmare gonna over soon..Amin...
So, after work, cek make sure to have my routine workout at gym. At least mengurangkan stress di dada. Have good meal and tight sleep. Tomorrow is another fresh new day :) hopefully...and there it goes, day by day.....................................
So, on last weekend, cek pun menghiburkan hati yang sarat dengan nombot with another nombot!
tapi bukan nombot positive, tapi nombot negative! [yang kluar macam ayerrr] But weird, sebab cek sukak walopun ia adalah nombot :P was ZARA sales! heheeee...tersenyum sekejap during the weekend :)
Bersopping dasat gara-gara konsep "treat for myself". Yang bestnya, bukan pi sekali, pi DUA kali!! [tamak haloba] Sebab cek suka baju2 Zara. Matured, modern & it fits my personality. Not too casual & leisure. Just nice and not too ambitious too..LOL
Well, again i would like to say that I'm not a branded conscious person. I wear whatever fit me :) yang penting bijak membeli dan berbelanjalah diwaktu SALES! Berbaloi-baloi ;))
Ok...a week passed by and I ended up my misery happily. Today, a new week starts and I begin with 'Bismillahirrahmanirrahim' and a BIG smile ^_____________^ insyaallah