A friend of mine is getting married :) Congrats bro!
Since he's far away in Melbourne, I'm assisting him organizing a mini wedding dinner for him here in Kuala Lumpur.
Rileks lar cik jah, bukan nak kena buka khemah, kupas bawang, rebus telur or tumis gulai pun, my job just to gather everyone & reserve dinner kat hotel jar...ahaks!
But still time consuming but I'm happy :) Maklumlah, dedulu tu cita-cita yang ke-7 ialah Event Planner...hahahaaaa [yang pertama is peragawati! O.O OMG!!! what was I thinking on that time yeaa? HAHAHAAAAA]
and I'm making him a homemade wedding card with minimum resources, and it looks cute! heheeheee :D
Beside organizing a dinner, I'm arranging a special wedding gift too :)
Well, at this point, thinking of he's living abroad and come back to Kuala Lumpur just for a little while, I don't want to trouble him to carry a big wedding gift all the way on the plane, ahaks!
Or, if he's got to leave the gift here in Kuala Lumpur, then no sentimental value already lorrrr....
and I decided to present him & wife a special 3hrs spa treatment package. WaWwEeEEE!! ^___________^
At first, I do have a super exclusive spa centre which is a fav of mine, Villamay. Unfortunately, they don't do couple spa package, as they do not have masseur [male massager]. So I've been searching around and found a pretty good place at Bangsar :)
Why I choose this gift? well, I'm hoping that the newly wed couple could rest, relax, enjoy & rejuvenate themselves after a tiring wedding preparation works and fly back home to Australia in a good & fresh mood...lol
The gift shareholders :) Aren't we cute up there? owh! we are so super~super cute huh?! ngeeEEeeee :))) and generous too...lol ~~~thank you guys!