My frangipani is back in action! :) The flowering season is here...owh! yeahhh
In 2.5years, it only flowers 2 times! imagine that? how berjanggut uban chek menunggu dengan penuh rasa chenta? awwww!
and here's another one....miss Zinnia. I 'adopted' her from my mum's when she was only 2weeks old [aceh!] and now she's 5 months old and baru nak berbunga O.O and....................... satu sajer ~.~ loorrrrrrr
Anyway, a sign of new buds about to poke is very clear. I could feel it :) ♫♫lalalaa♫♫lalaaa
and no complaint at all for this miss Purple Periwinkle. She's flowering nonstop all the time!
You are beautiful girl :))) GOOOOOOOOD job!

and this bright Red Periwinkle, she's new in my garden family, still malu-malu to show off...ahaks! but she's damn sexy!