Would you like to join me for a cup of tea while reading the wonderful inspired book on the patio this evening? :)
mentalnote: erkkk!! ajak-ajak ayam ajer tawww :P sajer jer nak tayang kat cik jah my living quaters tea seat..ahakkks!

It's quite a long break and I'm having fun at home :) Chill, relax & rest, gardening and reading of course! Too lazy to go anywhere. The weather also seems uncertain with very hot and humid on day time and heavy down pour on the late evening. My body temperature pun dah tak menentu with up and down for the past few days dan takut sangat kalo tiba-tiba terkena fever, cough or flu O.O

Setakat sekarang nie kira masih bertahan lar sebab I do keep my body sweating. Kalo tak pergi gym, at least I make sure I go for my morning/evening routine run :) InsyaAllah.
Sebab chek ni sangat 'berani' makan ubat kalo sakit...uwekkkk!
mentalnote: see the green fern next to the chair? that's the one planted & given by uncle nextdoor :) Tapi masa uncle bagi hari tu tak bushy macam ni lah...nie chek dok jaga+siram+baja sendiri. I like this fern sebab colour-nya yg vibrant, daun kilat & nampak macam plastik kan? heheee
Bestkan kalo dapat selalu rehat-rehat kat rumah macam nie? urmmmm....
I ♥ my garden, I ♥ my flowers, I ♥ my books, I ♥ my cat and I ♥ everyone! xoxoxo
mentalnote: errkkk!?? kalo x kerja, takder $$$$ ~.~ abes tu macam mana nak beli lancome? hukkhukkk
mentalnote: errkkk!?? kalo x kerja, takder $$$$ ~.~ abes tu macam mana nak beli lancome? hukkhukkk