Forget the instant pancake mix in the supermarkets. Try this in your kitchen :)
Makes 8 pancakes
125g plain flour [ I used wheat flour]
pinch of salt
1 egg
300ml milk
1/4 tsp bicarbonate of soda
Butter- melted (optional)
1. Combine the flour & salt in a bowl. Make well in the centre and break in the egg
2. Add half of the milk and gradually whisk. Add the remaining milk gradually, whisking gently until the batter has the consistency of pouring cream.
3. Cover loosely and leave in a fridge for 30mins.
4. Take out from the fridge and stir melted butter into the batter (if using) before pour the batter on the nonstick pan
Pancake memang sedap dimakan dengan apa sahaja. Maple syrup, honey or even with peanut butter...hahahaaaa..kebetulan, dalam fridge I still got the blueberry. Owh! sedapnya pancake with blueberry sauce!
Melt some butter in a pan. Add brown sugar. Stir until dissolve.
Add the blueberries and a lil bit of orange juice. Simmer the mixture over moderate heat, stirring it occasionally.
Add the cornstarch mixture into the fruit sauce. Cook the sauce at a low boil for 1 minute, stirring constantly.