It took me only 15 minutes to prepare this :)
The Ingredients
8-10 bread slices
Sugar [your own measurement but remember, honey is already sweet ya!]
3 eggs
2.5 cups milk
Dash of ground cinnamon [if u like the flavour]
Few drops of vanilla essence
1. Brush the baking dish with butter. Spread each slice of bread with butter and cut triangles. Arrange them in the baking dish overlapping [for presentation]. Drizzle honey & sprinkle raisins/sultanas if you like.
2. In a bowl, lightly whisk together the eggs, milk, sugar, cinnamon & vanilla essence. Pour the egg mixture over the bread. Gently press the bread to allow the egg mixture soak into the bread. Stand for 10 minutes.
3. Sprinkle some butter chunk over the bread and bake for 45minutes 180C or until pudding is just set & golden.
5. Done! Serve with yummy custard sauce :)