Tonton citer Meet the Parents 3. Boleh lar...banyak cakap! Dari start movie towards the ends asik cakap...cakap...cakap...Nak kata hilarious tu, tak lar sangat. Biasa jer, banyak lawak murahan berunsur lucah. Couple depan cek bukan main ketawa kekek2. Si makwe tu ketawa over sangat!! Luar biasa kuat macam tengok tibi kat rumah sendiri. Yang peliknya, paling kuat dia ketawa bila ada lawak pasal *tetek* *seks* *tutttt*!!!
Bila ada lawak yang berunsur ilmiah dan pengetahuan, dia tak gelak pulak O.O
Walopun pukul 8pm tadi dah dinner teppanyaki lazat, tp 2hrs after that lapaq lar pulok.
Terharu bila abang cashier teppanyaki [yg slalu amik order salah] tegur "lama tak datang makan sini?" aceh! abang nie ingat lar. Windu lar tu! Erkkk!...Takder diskon ker bang? huhuuuu
Reached home dah almost midnight and craving for something sweet. Not my style to hang out at mamak stalls as I don't like mamak food ~.~ [makan bila teringin giles sahaja] and banyak restaurant pun dah tutup. Tanpa pilihan, headed home with ♫♪♫♫♫♪ tummy. Sampai rumah terus 'semak' my fridge and Wheeww! I have apples & blueberries. Urmmmm.....I start to think....urmmmmmmmmmmm
Let's make Fruit Crepes! yeaaayy!!
125g plain flour
30g caster sugar
1 pinch salt
2 whole eggs
300ml milk
75g butter [melted]
Fresh fruits of your choice [ I used what I've got]
1 pinch of cinnamon powder [optional]
Knob of butter
2tbsp brown sugar
1) combine the flour, sugar and salt in a bowl. Make a well in the centre and break in the eggs.
Add half milk and gradually work into the flour using a whisk. Beat lightly until smooth, taking care not to over-mix!
2) Add the remaining milk gradually, whisking gently until well combined. Cover loosely and leave in a cool place for 30 minutes. Stir melted butter into the batter ONLY when you want to fry.
3) Melt the butter and brown sugar in a pan until dissolves. Add pinch of cinnamon powder [optional] and the fruits. I use apples & blueberries. Gently stir for 5 minutes.
It look nice! Put the fruits aside & leave to cool