Fantastic weekend! Relaxing and lazing around at home sweet home. Super rajin and super clean...woohooo! I baked an apple pie for garden afternoon tea...yeahh!

Blind baked pie crust before adding the filling.
Pulun kami dok uli doh kat dapur. Terpancar otot-otot lengan hasil kerja keras TRX workout...Eeuuw!

Susun hirisan apple hijau di dalam pie crust.

Sprinkle some [a lot...hahaaa] brown sugar, splash of apple cider vinegar and dash of cinnamon powder and knobs of butter.

Santek tak pie kami? Ahaks! Bunga-bunga gitu. 

Taraa! Siap dah.

Owh! I don't take pie with coffee [ngada-ngadaa]. The best partner for pie of course tea and English Breakfast Tea please [ngada-ngadaa lagi]  :)

Owhh my! So very sedap okay...wink!

It was easy to make and most important thing, it was at home!