

May 30, 2011

Meriah noo pokok cabai chek nie, bukan main lagi hebat. Banyak buah cabai yang keluar walopun pada tahap sekarang pokok cabai nie dah dikira berada pada hujung usia. Alhamdulillah. Berkat rajin letak baja dan siram setiap hari...wink! Sebenarnya pokok cabai yang sepokok ni dah 3-4 kali kering kontang umpama cabai kering [sebab chek out station, hujan tak turun...huhuhuuu], nasib baik lepas disiram, ia jadi segar seperti sediakala dan sehingga sekarang...

May 28, 2011

Dah malam tetiba teringin nak makan cake! adoyaii.... Teringin plak dah tahap menelan air liur dah...gulp! Mahu tak mahu bidadari santek gagah membaking cake di dapur sesudah Maghrib. Dah malam-malam nie bidadari baking cake yang simple-simple dah lar...heheheee The ingredients: 175g self raising flour 1 tsp baking powder 175g butter at room temperature 175g caster sugar 3 large eggs 1 tsb vanilla extract 1 tbsp cocoa powder Methods: 1) Preheat the oven 180C. Line a...

May 27, 2011

Mencari yang halal itu hukumnya wajib. Maka, dengan penuh tekun lagi bergaya chek dok survey halal food/restaurant  for the coming trip. Been communicating and a visit to Thailand Tourism office in Kuala Lumpur, dapat lar brochures/CD/ booklets about Thai Halal Food. Alhamdulillah but not much info about halal food in Koh Samui though. Currently, awaiting reply from Thai tourism office in Surathani [Koh samui is under Surathani province] about...

May 26, 2011

What a refreshing drink. Hah! Cikjah, ari nie kita blajar perkataan 'godok'. It means rebus. So, in this entry chek nak share-share how to prepare this simple and delicious drink. It is totally different from jus nenas. Rasanya tak tajam atau cucuk-cucuk  lidah. Absolutely different! Simple, lazat, sejuk dan manis! whewwww! lebih power kalo cikjah guna nenas Moris atau Gandul. 1) Nenas dikupas dan dipotong kecil/cube. 2) Rebus nenas bersama...

May 24, 2011

Chek tak faham! chek tak faham! chek tak faham! Bengang! marah! geram! sakit hati! and .......... huh! Tapi sabar...sabar itu separuh dari Iman :) Tapi, macam mana nak sabar kalo masih ada orang lain yang sambil lewa dalam bekerja? Bukankah kerja itu suatu ibadah dan amanah? Kalolah demikian sifatnya memang suka sambil lewa dalam sumer perkara, takkan lah tak ada langsung sifat bertanggungjawab, jati diri dan prihatin dalam diri sebagai manusia? Cik jah mesti ingat...

May 23, 2011

I don't bother much about fashion and totally not a brand conscious person. I dress for looks & comfort :) Kadang~kadang tak selesa tapi cantik pun chek pakai jugak...heheheeee sebab cantikk! :)) Mahal atau murah tak kesah sangat. Yang penting cantik! heheheee Cantik di mata chek lar, kalo cik jah tengok tak cantik, itu silap mata memandang lar...chek tak koser melayan taw...ahaks! But I do have  favourite clothes. First sebab cantik dan it pretty...

May 19, 2011

  sedap nie! gulai ikan merah, acar timun dan udang goreng kunyit dengan brocoli...gulp! Penin kan kadang~kadang dok pikir nak makan apa, nak masak apa, nak makan di mana. Cikjah penah rasa tak? kadang~kadang blackout & blur sampai tak dak idea apa yang teringin nak makan. Huh! Chek slalu macam tue. Tak taw nak makan apa. Pusing sini sana pun tetap tak terbuka selera. Kalo dah slalu eat out lama~lama bowink kan? tak der lar sedap sangat pun, skali 2 kali sedap...

May 16, 2011

Wheewww!!! hello! I'm backkk :) Things have been pretty hectic here lately and I couldn't find time to write...huh! For some reason, I could feel that I miss blogging quite much tho...lol Anyway, here goes the story of my wonderful birthday dinner at a fantastic restaurant at downtown~~~Tamarind Hill. Yippiee!!!! The restaurant is located beside the Shangri-La Hotel. Again this year I stayed at Shangri-La for my birthday getaway. So it is easily accessible...
My photo
I don't remember a witch ...but there was a black adorable cat who sat down beside me and told me that "I'm a cat who has strong legs, beautiful heart and the ♥ of thrills, I like to climb things - including hills. I ♥ pink and I ♥ cat and again the black cat told me that I'm a lovely friendly Pienkcat"