Drying fresh herbs that you have grown yourself will be really save your money. Moreover, in Malaysia, it is quite hard to get these English herbs [fresh or dried]. Normally they are widely available at hypermarkets at very expensive price O.O
It's been raining almost everyday for the past one month...WeeEEeeeEE~~~~ and as a result of this cold & good weather, my oregano grows beautifully & bushy. It's such a waste because I rarely cook at home lately...opppsss...ahaks! [banyak open house raya lahh]
So, I decided to prune my oregano to encourage new leaves and make them as dried herbs :)
My self grown fresh herbs. Basil, Oregano & Thyme
Basically, they are 2 types to dry your herbs;
1) Air-drying
2) Drying in the oven
And I picked the simplest & environmental way!..... Air-drying :))
Using the long end, hang the herb bunches upside down in a cool, dry place until they are completely dried.
For best flavour, try to use dried herbs within 4 - 6 months after preserving them. Once dried, crumble the leaves with your hands and keep it in a jar. They are ready to be used in recipes.
Happy trying! :)