Sedih bila dengar word "farewell" T_T O.O T_T O.O T_T
Tapi awas! it's not me who gonna say gudbye :) - cuma terlebih reaksi jer...heheee
Walaupun kedengaran sedih BUT I'm so happy & excited because I've got a chance to do some shopping....Ooo~~OOoo~~OooWeeEeee
and paling best it's not me whom spending the $$$$ :P
cek cuma jadi consultant jer :)
Namun begitu, cek TERbeli jugaklah 3-4 pasang baju baru kat kedai ni..muaeheeeee [totally can't] tergoda sebab sumer gojes! almaklumlah now is summer, so banyak floral dress. Yeahhh! cek suker ^________^
This is man wallet for farid. Sebab that day puan penaja saw farid's wallet is really in bad condition. Almost masuk spital :P
So, we hope he's gonna ♥ this present :)
And this T-shirt is for puan lawyer. At first cek MEMANG tak setuju dengan pilihan ni....Look so masculine and too simple :(
But again according to puan penaja puan lawyer memang selalu pakai T-shirt yang macam ni. Maybe sebab she always out station and moving around, wearing T-shirt is much more comfortable for her (and must be with collar, takkan nak pakai round neck plak..tak professional lerrr) Walaupun pahit, cek terpaksa terima kenyataan bahawa inilah pilihan muktamad :P
But I know, puan lawyer gonna ♥ this :)
Finally, a T-shirt for As. Sebab As memang selamba & sempoi... ala-ala rowkk gitu, this is the perfect choice for her. Karang beli baju ropol-ropol siap riben tak mo pakai plak...heheee
We hope they gonna ♥♥♥ their present yang tak seberapa ni (aceh!..cek tumpang dua kaki because I know them too. They are VERY nice people!) Bukan apa, sekadar kenang-kenangan. Sebab dah 10years puan penaja berkhidmat di situ dan selama itu jugaklah cek mengenali mereka melalui puan penaja. Cek pernah berkelah makan tengah hari kat opis depa, cek penah foya-foya suker ria @ xmas party kat 'mansion mewah 5 tingkat' tu dan paling best cek hengat gilos 'acara marathon' pejam mata tu...HAHAHAA! Sekarang selepas 10 tahun, kini tiba masa puan penaja nak beralih angin. Walaupun dah tak bersama but still we gonna see & keep in touch sampai bila-bila :) srobb...srobbbb~~~~
...dan, baru jer cek received this pic via mms. Hangat lagi nie. A special present from farid to puan penaja :)
Thank you and sungguh terharu (cek pung tumpang terharu...)