

Dec 22, 2008

Tahukah anda bahawa Fella Design telah berpindah to its new big showroom/warehouse/factory @ Bukit Subang?Ha! kalau tak tau ni nak habaq mai lar :-) Previously it was located at Jalan TUDM Subang sana nun. Hat dulu tu kecik jar. 1 floor jar. Tapi hat baru ni mak oii! besar bertingkat2. Lenguh lutut lar kalo Cikjah pi sana :-) Senang jer nak cari sebab it's opposite Denai Alam. Disebabkan cek ni penggemar english concept, maka sumer furniture Fella ni sangatlah bersesuaian...

Dec 19, 2008

Women & shoes! huh! memang tak dapat dipisahkan. Ibarat roti dan canai or teh dan tarik...hahaha My interest is always on shoes..shoes..and shoes. Walaupun kaki ni dianugerahkan cuma sepasang kiri dan kanan, tapi kasut yang ada tu berpuluh2 pasang malah ada juga orang lain yang sampai ratusan or ribuan pasang...iskk..iskk.. Entahlah..mungkin dah sinonim kot kasut ni untuk wanita. Say shoe jer dah nampak sexy..huh! yer ker? ada jugak yang pakai kasut tapi tak...

Dec 10, 2008

Pattaya...hemmm..what can i say about this place? ermmmm..not that awesome and not that bad either. But certainly not my taste. If I've been given a choice, I won't pick this place :-P but no harm to go, see, explore & learning about other people's culture. It's definitely a place for men!!!Pattaya is located 2hrs from Bangkok. It is developed from the bay. Initially, it was a fishing village with a lot of restaurants, bars, discotheques, hotels, spa parlours, massage...

Dec 2, 2008

Before I go further, pleaseee..don't get confuse between Pangkor Island (PI) and Pangkor Laut Resort (PLR). Mostly people do ;-P. Tracked down my unforgettable memories back in year 2006...let's share the holiday experience...Pangkor Laut Resort is a privately owned island located nearby to Pangkor Island wholly managed & owned by YTL Resort. This piece of paradise has been 2 million years in the making, and here you will find one of the world’s premier awards winning...

Nov 26, 2008

hallo? anyone home? hallo?huh! dah nak bersawang dah blog nih..heheeehe..bz lar :-so..apa story ni weih? ntah..hemmm 8-`citer pasal concert 3Diva lah..ok? citer bersawang last year..but sweet memory untill this moment..peduli haper kan..my blog..my story lar :-Ptapi mesti dengki punyalah korang..hihihihiWas watching tv that one particular nite, suddenly came accross Muzik @ Ria..tengok2 camtu jer.Then Hani announced 1 contest.Kalo menang dapat backstage+concert ticket jumpa...

Nov 13, 2008

Back to Jakarta! After Bandung, I'm headed to Jakarta for another 2nites. Again, checked in at Le Grandeur, Mangga Dua (M2) of North Jakarta. First I wanted to stay somewhere in Central Jakarta since I've stayed at M2 last year... but totally can't resist the shopping temptation...Goshhh! wonderful, awesome & fantastic!!! :-) If I stayed at Central Jakarta it means I'm wasting my time travel & stuck in trafic jam because no matter how I'm still need & must go...
My photo
I don't remember a witch ...but there was a black adorable cat who sat down beside me and told me that "I'm a cat who has strong legs, beautiful heart and the ♥ of thrills, I like to climb things - including hills. I ♥ pink and I ♥ cat and again the black cat told me that I'm a lovely friendly Pienkcat"