

Jan 21, 2009

Jom jalan-jalan? Kali ini, kita ke Negeriku KEDAH Darul Aman! :-)Never been to Kedah before? huh! rugi 78kilo lar kalo lagu tu...siannn...Kedah best wooooo...best woooo...Among sooo many great attractions, well I present to u guys Rice Museum @ Gunung Keriang which situated 8km from Alor Setar. Was opened on 2004 inspired by Negeri Kedah itself as 'Jelapang Padi Negara' :-)Front view of Rice Museum. Senibina diilhamkan dari jelapang padi (tempat orang dulu-dulu simpan padi/beras)With...

Jan 14, 2009

Awesome!!! an outstanding movie!A must watch movie! definitely! 2hrs and 45minutes feel like 20minutes. You won't feel bored at all. It seems you want it more and more and this film really doesn't let you down. Set in a gorgeous Australia country as the film background with great cinematography. Scene after scene will keep you so excited and really into the movie. Great job by Baz Luhrmann, a director of Romeo & Juliet and Moulin Rouge!A great feel good movie. It was...

Jan 8, 2009

Picnic! the best thing to do on weekend. This time bring Ayana & Jay picnic and fishing @ my favourite park. This is my jogging track on weekend if no raining. Or else jog on treadmill, but no fun leeii :-P Usually take these kids to malls & restaurants, but today wanted to give them something new & fun to feel, explore & enjoy themselves... Enjoy giler dua budak mat salleh ni... Excited and talkative...macam kerepek We caught few small tiny fish but...
Yup! currently I'm reading this. It has been almost 3months. But havn't finish till now :-)hehehee..bz with other things :-PI only read in bed..tapi blum pun 3 pages, buku dah baca check :-D ngantukkkk...I've read the climax of the story and now another 3 chapters to go..yeah!According to sypnosis of "Puan Nasi" ni...."May Taylor works as a wedding planner, passing on the timeless traditions of her grandmother and mother. The Taylor women have always believed in the presence...

Jan 7, 2009

Yeeeha! cik misai dapat new house! finally...Ye..ye...lebih besar, lebih selesa dan leeeeebih nilai :-PTapi cian cik misai, this is not upgrade, downgrade actually :-PDulu, cik misai dapat the entire room for herself and she loves to chill out at bay window, tapi sekarang, cik misai dapat 1 cute house cage jer :-) ok lar tu... Ni lar menatang tu. Macam ganas jer tengok wording "animal cage" tu kan? hikhikkk..macam lar nak letak gorila :-DWent to many pet shops and this is...

Jan 5, 2009

I was called to review the awesome write up on StarMetro dated 30th December 2008 by Zukri Valenteno who grew up with a strict military man for a father.What he wrote is absolutely right 110%, very true and no doubt at all! I totally agreed with him. Yeah! Eventhough I'm not from a military based family, but thanks to both my mum and dad who abviously create who am i today :-)Actually, I've posted a similar entry in my blog months before... yeah, talking about manner...well, it's a good thing to share. Why not we share it together?No doubt that...
My photo
I don't remember a witch ...but there was a black adorable cat who sat down beside me and told me that "I'm a cat who has strong legs, beautiful heart and the ♥ of thrills, I like to climb things - including hills. I ♥ pink and I ♥ cat and again the black cat told me that I'm a lovely friendly Pienkcat"